Hôtel Littéraire Stendhal - Concept

The Hôtels Littéraires concept

4* addresses dedicated to our favourite authors

“I created the Société des Hôtels Littéraires to share my love of books with the thousands of guests I do not know, but who, and this I do know, are happy to come across an author or a book while visiting Paris, Rouen, Clermont-Ferrand, Biarritz or Nancy.”

Jacques Letertre, President, Société des Hôtels Littéraires

Jacques Letertre

The Société des Hôtels Littéraires was born of an innovative impulse from Jacques Letertre, a literature enthusiast and fervent collector, and his desire to share his love of books.

The mission of these cultural boutique hotels is to help people (re)discover reading as a pleasure to be shared. This philosophy is reflected in the very décor of each establishment, their rich programmes of literary events, and their numerous cultural and local partnerships.

The Hôtels Littéraires are also firmly committed to the development of sustainable tourism.

Hotel Littéraire Stendhal

The cultural dimension of the Hôtels Littéraires

Each hotel is an homage to a famous French author—Gustave Flaubert, Marcel Proust, Alexandre Vialatte, Arthur Rimbaud, Marcel Aymé and Stendhal—and creates a world that reflects the author's personality, while offering a variety of cultural and artistic activities. The immersion begins in the entrance hall where an original décor invites you to enter the world of this author and his work.

A multilingual library containing 500 books from the Hôtels Littéraires collection awaits the curious visitor. You can wander about the hotel as if you were in a museum, discovering the different collections—period objects, letters, manuscripts, as well as contemporary creations—that capture and bring back to life a glimpse of the author's being.

Be yond the lobby and reception area, each room is unique! Thanks to the talent of our watercolour artist Jean Aubertin, combined with the literary genius of our authors, each room has its own identity and theme, allowing visitors to sneak a glance into the heart of French literature.

Hôtels Littéraires events & Partnerships

The Hôtels Littéraires are also cultural centres at the heart of their destination; they encourage and host a wide range of initiatives for the greater enjoyment of their guests. They are the setting for many exhibitions, conferences, readings , book signings, prize-giving ceremonies, and so much more.

Committed to supporting and encouraging culture—an essential component of development and sustainable tourism—our teams are responsible for organising and promoting a wide range of events. Les Hôtels Littéraires maintains close relations with local players in the cultural field: bookshops, museums, theatres, authors' associations—among others—thereby encouraging culture and supporting the book trade.

The Hôtels Littéraires Commitment to Sustainable Tourism

If you believe tourism goes hand in hand with a healthy ecological approach, then you will be pleased to know we share your expectations. 
Alban Letertre, Managing Director of the Société des Hôtels Littéraires, instils precious values of local cooperation and environmental preservation in these establishments.

Alban Letertre

In each of our establishments, we take care to:
- propose a zero plastic target, and sort our waste  
- achieve and encourage energy and water savings
- limit food waste
- give preference to local products for breakfasts and snacks
- use eco-labelled cleaning products

We are proud of our commitments and guarantees in this area. The Société des Hôtels Littéraires is a pioneering member of the Coq Vert community, assuming its share of responsibility in the evolution of the hotel sector.

Coq Vert
Impact Envirennemental

Hôtels Littéraires across France


With Hôtels Littéraires, embark on a cultural journey through several French cities—each visit a unique celebration of literary genius. From Paris to Nancy, via Clermont-Ferrand and Rouen, the Hôtels Littéraires have expanded to form a unique network of unforgettable cultural establishments. Each Hôtel Littéraire looks forward to having you, and will offer you a warm welcome inspired by literature, art and local produce.

In Paris

The Hôtel Littéraire Le Swann

The Hôtel Littéraire Le Swann, in the 8th Arrondissement of Paris, was the first Hôtel Littéraire to be entirely devoted to Marcel Proust and his world.  

It is located in the heart of the historically Proustian district of the Plaine Monceau. 

11-15 rue de Constantinople, 75008 PARIS

In Paris

The Hôtel Littéraire Marcel Aymé

In Montmartre, a short distance from the Moulin de la Galette The Hôtel Littéraire Marcel Aymé.

The Hôtel Littéraire Marcel Aymé, in the charming Rue Tholozé, pays tribute to the author of Les Contes du chat perché and La Traversée de Paris, who was an iconic figure in Montmartre.

16, rue Tholozé - 75018 PARIS

In Rouen

The Hôtel Littéraire Gustave Flaubert

The Hôtel Littéraire Gustave Flaubert, near the Place du Vieux Marché in Rouen, pays tribute to this Norman writer, in the city where he was born and in which he spent most of his life.

33 rue du Vieux Palais, 76000 ROUEN

In Clermont-Ferrand

The Hôtel Littéraire Alexandre Vialatte

The Hôtel Littéraire Alexandre Vialatte in Clermont-Ferrand is situated in the Place Delille, near the Basilica of Notre-Dame du Port, a jewel of Romanesque art.

It's an ideal starting point for exploring this city, where Alexandre Vialatte, the "notoriously unknown" novelist, journalist and translator, lived for several years. 

16 place Delille, 63000 CLERMONT FERRAND

In Paris

The Hôtel Littéraire Arthur Rimbaud

Just a short distance from the Gare de l'Est railway station is the fifth Hôtel Littéraire - and our third hotel in Paris – which pays tribute to Arthur Rimbaud, the man who reinvented poetry.

6 rue Gustave Goublier, 75010 PARIS

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